Hypnobirthing Classes in Stockport

Hypnobirthing has been in the news recently thanks to women like Meghan Markle and Deliciously Ella making it all a bit more mainstream and acceptable. When it’s being discussed in Grazia, you know it’s hit the big time!

But hypnobirthing isn’t anything new at all. In fact, it’s been around for years – and if you really look at the central tenets of what it sets out to achieve it could be argued that this form of positive birth experience has been around for as long as women have been giving birth.

Hypnobirthing isn’t about being a hippy, or giving birth in a yurt surrounded by chickens, or eschewing all pain relief. It’s not even about giving birth vaginally. It’s about making sure you’re equipped with what you need to stay confident in yourself, whatever choices you make. Hypnobirthing alongside good quality, evidence-based antenatal education is invaluable to give you the information you need to be able to make the right decisions for you and your family and help you stay calm during one of the biggest events that you’ll experience. Hypnobirthing can help reduce your pain levels, which in turn can help reduce your need for pain relief (which comes with its own side effects) and interventions but anyone who tells you that hypnobirthing will give you a pain-free labour is talking crap. But it might.

Stockport Birth Services blend hypnobirthing into its antenatal classes, so if you come to the group classes you’ll experience hypnobirthing for yourself, learning how to prepare yourself for a positive birth and a calm birth. But we know not everyone can get to classes, or those that do might want to do a bit of extra-curricular relaxation, so we’ve added a full set of hypnobirthing tracks into the shop, as well as some positive birth affirmations and a relaxation especially for the final few weeks of pregnancy. Do make sure you use them alongside evidence-based antenatal education, even if that’s not from us 😉

To hear a sample track click below.

Free hypnobirthing positive birth sample track