Active Birth Workshop

Active birth is more than just movement – it’s a state of mind! This workshop is designed to maximise your own ability to give birth.

By combining the strength of both hypnobirthing and active birth principles you and your birth partner learn the power of:

  • Breath
  • Relaxation
  • Movement
  • Hormones
  • Touch

to give you some important tools to take you all the way through your birth experience.

Hypnobirthing is a way of managing the experience of childbirth by encouraging your mind to relax and allow your body to work without the pressures we naturally put on ourselves. It’s a way of releasing fear and anxiety through visualisations and relaxation techniques, alongside learning what labour will be like for you.

Active birthing will help prepare your body in pregnancy for birth, as well as giving you positions to draw on that will help you birth your baby in different situations. Different techniques will be taught for you to use should you need them, in a variety of settings and situations.

Birth partners will be given tips about how best to support you at every stage, as well as some hands-on exercises designed to help you release fear, tension and pain.

This course is suitable for those planning a vaginal birth from 14 weeks of pregnancy although many will find it most beneficial in the final trimester.

For the next available dates and to book your space please visit the store area of the website.