Vaginal Examinations: What You Need To Consider

During your pregnancy it’s a fair bet to say that a stranger will, at some point, request to examine your vagina. What fun! A vaginal examination is a relatively quick procedure where your midwife or other caregiver will insert their fingers into your vagina to feel your cervix. As with all things birth, whether you have them or not is entirely your choice. And as with most things there’s some real pros and cons either way.

Let’s have a look at the facts.

Number one on the con list is that someone is having a thorough rummage in your vagina. It’s a physically invasive procedure, sometimes painful, often disruptive to the flow of labour and can put you into a vulnerable state. Now, hopefully you’ll have some rapport built up with your caregiver by this point in the proceedings, but they’ll still be a relative stranger in the scheme of things and what’s more likely to send your adrenaline rising and oxytocin plummeting than being put in that situation? And as we know, you need a good supply of oxytocin – the love hormone – in labour to keep your uterus contracting nice and efficiently; when something happens that makes us uncomfortable, stressed or fearful, the amygdala part of your brain triggers your fight or flight response which releases a burst of adrenalin, inhibiting both oxytocin and the endorphins which are acting as your body’s natural painkillers.

Vaginal examinations are physical, and so present an infection risk. Perhaps not a huge risk in the western world where caregivers have access to plenty of soap, water and gloves, but a risk all the same. Bacteria can be pushed up the vagina, pass through the cervix and enter the uterus. The risk increases if the amniotic sack has displaced already, and some infections can be quite serious for babies in utero. Shockingly, in one study it was found that women who have had a vaginal examination in labour have 80% greater number of different bacteria in the cervix than those who hadn’t.

When a vaginal examination is carried out they can be useful storytellers to your caregiver, telling them important information, more on that below. However, they can also give you and your caregiver misleading tales. There are few rules in labour, no definitive timings, no guarantees that they will progress in exactly the way you have planned. So what happens if you’ve been in latent labour for hours and hours and get told you’re ‘only’ at 3 centimetres dilated? What if you’ve been in active labour for half an hour and you’re told you’re at 8 centimetres dilated? Do either of these things mean that your baby will be here at a specified time? Nope…in both situations baby could still be hours away from making their arrival, or they could be here within the hour. And yet your care pathway may very well be altered to fit the story that your caregiver believes your cervix is telling them. Not only that, but your own expectations can become hinged on the number you’re told and if the story doesn’t go the way you’re expecting then your flow of labour can be interrupted and throw you off kilter. If things happen more quickly or more slowly than you anticipated you could experience panic and fear, and fear leads to pain. And don’t forget distance measuring with only fingers for guides is subjective – if more than one person carries out the examination you could be in the position where measurements are miscalculated!

So what, then, are the pros from having a vaginal examination? Well they can give your caregiver information that they can use to build a picture of what’s happening in your labour. How far dilated you are alongside other factors can give an indication (but not a guarantee!) of how close to baby’s arrival you are.

Vaginal examinations can also tell your caregiver what position your cervix is in. As the cervix dilates it moves from a backwards facing position which protects baby, to a forward-facing position allowing an easy descent down the birth canal for baby.

The examination will also assist in ensuring you know your baby’s position. Again, this isn’t unique to vaginal examinations but in certain conditions such as malpresentation it’s important to have a clear picture of the situation so appropriate care can be given.

Vaginal examinations can be really useful if things aren’t progressing quite how you’d be expecting them to be. If they seem to be taking a wee while longer than expected to make their arrival an internal examination by a midwife can check their descent and position. This will tell them if baby’s position means they might need help to come along (such as asynclitic, breech or occiput posterior). It can also tell them if an intervention such as rupturing of the membranes would be appropriate to carry out. So where does this leave you and your choices? Vaginal examinations can be an important part of your care but should be used alongside other practices from your caregiver as a diagnostic tool. How judiciously they’re used is entirely up to you and your comfort level with them.

What Is The LOA, The OFP, And Other Acronyms.

The presentation of baby in labour is extremely important for how that labour progresses. Most women know, or come to know, through their pregnancy that their baby should be head down in preparation for birth: but even a head-down baby can be in an optimal or suboptimal position depending on where their spine aligns. The baby’s position is important as it affects their ease of rotation and descent as they travel through the birth canal.

The occiput anterior position is the most effective way for the baby to travel down through the pelvis and make its way into the world. The baby is head down, facing the maternal spine which gives space for the chin to be easily tucked in onto their chest allowing the smallest part of their head to fit through the cervix first. The soft bones at the fontanelle fold to make their head smaller still. This position allows the baby to travel through the pelvis as easily as possible. There is less likelihood of a baby in an occiput anterior position needing medical assistance in being born.

The occiput posterior position, while head down, is not so effective at helping the baby on its way through the pelvis. The baby’s spine is aligned with the mother’s such that the baby is facing towards the mother’s naval. As the baby descends they have to rotate all the way around so they’re facing the back, often making the labour longer and more painful, with the pain being felt at the woman’s back caused by the hard surface of the baby’s skull pressing on the mother’s back. It is more difficult for the baby to tuck their chin down, meaning that the diameter of the presenting part of the head is bigger (approximately 11.5cm) than if presenting in an anterior position (approximately 9.5cm).

There needs to be a good connection between the baby’s presenting part and the cervix in labour in order for oxytocin to be released – oxytocin being the stimulus to the uterus contracting. An occiput anterior position allows the best fit of the baby’s head into the cervix, resulting in good contact and hence causing a good flow of oxytocin to be released. When in labour, kneeling positions can encourage this contact by allowing gravity to assist in putting pressure between the baby’s head and cervix. If the baby is in an occiput posterior position, these movements will not be working as effectively for the baby or mother. This can result in a long latent phase of labour for the mother or having a stop-start pattern to contractions.

It was Jean Sutton and Pauline Scott in 1996 who coined the phrase ‘optimal foetal positioning’[1]. Through their work they showed the importance of the mother’s posture and position in pregnancy and labour. They showed that babies who start labour from a left occiput anterior position seem to birth easier. Babies in that position tend to curl the crown of their head into the mother’s pelvis better, allowing a flexed vertex presentation of the skull with a diameter of approximately 9.5cm.

Sutton and Scott noted that the number of left occiput anterior presenting babies are decreasing in recent decades, and attributed this to the change in lifestyle of women. Women are less likely to spend substantial time in active physical housework (often leaning forwards or on all fours) and more likely to spend their time relaxing on laid back sofas. Gravity does the rest in pulling the heaviest part of the baby – its spine – down towards the mother’s spine. By paying particular attention to the encouragement of a left occiput anterior position during the stage of pregnancy where the baby is beginning to start engaging (around 36 weeks for a first time mother and slightly later for biparous or multiparous women) women can help themselves have the most efficient labour possible.

There are ways for women to help position their baby optimally by building in things to their everyday lives. These include: changing their sitting style to ensure their knees are lower than their hips; not crossing their legs; kneel over a birthing ball while watching television; not putting their feet up; sitting on a birth ball not a sofa and swimming using breaststroke or front crawl.

Babies who are right occiput anterior may rotate away from that position as they travel through the pelvis and become posterior during labour. Indeed, Gardberg (1998) states that the majority of occiput posterior babies in labour start off as occiput anterior[2] – likewise the majority of posterior babies will turn in labour too. This, then, would lead to the conclusion that while there is an optimal position to begin labour in, it really isn’t a defining moment for the mother if baby turns away from this position.

[1] Sutton, J. and Scott, P. (1996) Understanding and teaching optimal foetal positioning. 2nd edn. Tauranga, New Zealand: Birth Concepts.

[2] Gardberg, M. (1998) Intrapartum sonography and persistent occiput posterior position: a study of 408 deliveries.

Antenatal Education: Why Is It Important?

The pregnancy and perinatal period is one of immense change for a woman as she gets to grips with becoming a mother, both physically and emotionally. In many regards, particularly for first-time mothers, pregnancy is a threshold which separates the known world from one that will be radically different. In this context, emotional balance is likely to be disturbed readily and substantially. Antenatal classes provide a safe space for women to explore this change and empower themselves with knowledge and confidence, while reflecting in an informed manner on the change that awaits them. As will be elucidated here, this provision of balance is achieved through the careful consideration of and respect for the relevant social, hormonal and bonding factors, as well as each mother’s own belief structures and anxieties.

A big consideration when thinking about a woman’s changing emotional state while pregnant is that of her adaptation to her new role, either as a first-time mother or when changing the family dynamic to include more children. Both parents are understandably nervous about that which they don’t yet know and this can cause extreme challenges within the family unit and for the parent’s mental health. Cowan and Cowan argue that there is a “conspiracy of silence[1]” around the pregnancy and newborn period that can make parents feel that they’re the only ones that are struggling. One only needs to take a quick glance at the multitude of mother forums online to see a glut of ‘am I the only one…’ and ‘is this normal…’ postings by mothers who suffer from a lack of support around them. One of the big reasons that women seek out antenatal classes is to make friends with other like-minded people in a similar situation to them, and a key role for the antenatal teacher is to help facilitate friendships within the groups they teach. Having a support network of people going through similar experiences will help de-mystify their journey and ease many worries of each woman.

Classes where a woman can take some time to focus and centre herself will be beneficial to those who are dealing with pregnancy difficulties bigger than those ‘normal’ feelings and worries. Helping mothers to use techniques to have control of their own labour can help to counteract the negative impacts of health concerns that the mother may have about her own body or that of the baby. Antenatal classes help to empower women to make genuine change over their pregnancy and to benefit from the confidence this gives them. Antenatal teachers help a woman take charge of her body, filling her with self-belief by empowering her with knowledge and therefore control of her pregnancy and birth, the definition of antenatal classes according to Dick-Read who champion antenatal education to remove anxiety and dread, inhibiting fear and replacing it with confidence and increase normal labours and pregnancies[2].

There have been studies which link the level of a mother’s bonding with her child after birth to the amount of engagement with her pregnancy and the thoughts she has around it and what the baby will be like once born[3]. Benoit, Parker and Zeanah[4] linked this to the security of attachment the baby has to its parents in the first year of life. Antenatal classes encourage the mother to focus on her baby, creating a peaceful bond between them and soothing anxieties that they may not develop a strong bond. Antenatal teachers aim to anchor these bonding moments through techniques used in pregnancy which baby will recognise and be soothed by once born. Classes are spaces within which mothers can reflect on their pregnancy and learn to prepare for the future; this has substantial benefits for her emotional balance.

It is not unusual for a pregnant woman to experience feelings of stress, anxiety or depression; often this is from the usual worries and concerns a woman has when embarking on a pregnancy as seen previously, and it is important that we encourage women to let these worries go. Creating balance and harmony in her mind has a knock-on effect on her body; there are a number of studies which show various physical responses to anxiety and stress hormones in the pregnant body including reducing oxygen and calorie intake to the baby, maternal cortisol crossing the placenta and restricting foetal brain growth, growth delays, reduced levels of serotonin, reduced ‘quiet and active alert states’ when born and increased risk of hyperactivity in the long-term[7]. As Gaskin alludes to, when the mind is steadied the body can open for birth[8] and it is our aim to equip each mother with the tools to help balance her mind as well as her body.

[1] Cowan, C.P.P. and Cowan, P.A. (1993) When partners become parents: The big life change for couples. New York: Basic Books.

[2] Grantly, D.-R. (2006) Childbirth without fear the principles and practice of natural childbirth. London: Pollinger in Print, United Kingdom.


[4] Dex, S and Joshi, H (2005) Children of the 21st Century: From Birth to Nine Months. Bristol: Policy Press

[5] Stern D (1985) The Interpersonal World of the Infant. London: Karnac Books

[6] Benoit D, Parker K and Zeanah C (1997) Mother’s representations of their infants assessed pre-natally: Stability and association with infants’ attachment classifications. Journal of Child Psychology, Psychiatry, and Allied Disciplines


[8] Gaskin, I.M. (2003) Ina May’s guide to childbirth. New York: Random House Publishing Group.