Antenatal Workshop (Private Course)


Active Birth Workshop: Bringing together the powerful elements of hypnobirthing and active birth principles to help you birth your baby more easily. For full course details and group/private options see below.

To make your private workshop booking please use the form to secure your preferred date. Once agreed then add to cart and complete payment where your booking will be complete.






By combining the strength of both hypnobirthing and active birth principles you and your birth partner learn the power of:

  • Breath
  • Relaxation
  • Movement
  • Hormones
  • Touch

to help you learn how you can optimise what’s happening in your body to make your birth experience more comfortable. You’ll learn some valuable tools to take you all the way through your birth.

Hypnobirthing and active birthing are ways of managing the experience of childbirth by encouraging your mind and body to relax and allow your body to work without the pressures we naturally put on ourselves. It’s a way of releasing fear and anxiety through visualisations and relaxation techniques, alongside learning what labour will be like for you. You’ll learn different positions and techniques that will help you birth your baby in different situations.

You’ll learn what happens to your body in labour, different breathing techniques that can help you at different points, positions that can help (and hinder!) you, hormone optimisation to give you a helping hand, the importance of the mind-body connection, some keep calm tools and your birth partner will get lots of tips about how they can support you and help relieve you of fear and pain.

This course is suitable for those planning a vaginal birth from 14 weeks of pregnancy although many will find it most beneficial in the final trimester. It’s as perfect for those of you who already have children as it is for first time parents.

Private Course:
: The comfort of your own home!
Dates: These are offered on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Please use the contact form on this page to give your 3 preferred dates before purchasing. There are some Saturday dates available with a surchage added, please use the form to discuss.
Time: This is a 4 hour course, usually running between 9.30-1.30, but please ask if this doesn’t suit.
Who: You and your birth partner/s.

After booking you will receive an information form via email  within 48 hours. To make your booking for a private course you must have already had your date agreed via the form on this page.

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