When you’re pregnant you (hopefully!) get given loads of information about things you can do or things that might be offered to you to help the baby on their way earthside.
But rarely do people get told about the humble date.
As well as being utterly yum, dates have special qualities which can help labour progress. Eating around 7 dates a day from around 36 weeks pregnancy until after the placenta is birthed can…
– Help ripen and dilate the cervix: higher Bishop score and entering hospital at 4cm dilated rather than 3cm.
– Help shorten the early phase of labour: 510 minutes compared to 906 minutes.
– Help you achieve a vaginal birth rather than caesarean after induction: 47% of the sample had a vaginal birth compared to 28% of the control.
– Reduce your need for induction: 20% of date eaters had an induction compared to 45% of the control.
– Reduce the frequency of augmentation of labour (speeding things up once you’re in labour): 37% compared to 50%
– Reduce postpartum blood loss significantly even compared to those who receive artificial oxytocin: total average loss 163ml to 221ml.
Be careful if you’re diabetic!
Now these studies have their limitations; they’re small and other factors weren’t controlled or looked at but (unless you’re diabetic) then eating dates are unlikely to hurt and they might do some good. Even if not in labour, they’re bound to help with that first postpartum poo.
The studies also took place outside of the UK, where the birth system may be significantly different and with women who may have had strong opinions about their care anyway – for example they may be women who would refuse induction or augmentation at all costs regardless of the date eating.
Just to help you on your way…have a date recipe! https://www.superhealthykids.com/recipes/healthy-no-bake-snack-bars/